Stacie Ruth Stoelting is an amazing young lady with a mission. With determination, she tirelessly works to educate others about Alzheimers disease and reach out to families and caregivers in the face of the disease. Alzheimer's is such a tragic illness that affects so many lives. From the late President Reagan to the average American, Alzheimer's disease impacts millions of people.
Stacie Ruth has a unique background and understanding about Alzheimers. Tragically, three out of four of her beloved grandparents had Alzheimers or related dementia. One-by-one, she and her family cared for her grandparents.Stacie Ruths grandpa (whom she affectionately called Papa Ray) was the first victim of Alzheimers disease in her family. He was her hero and when he became ill with Alzheimers, it hurt Stacie Ruth to the core of her soul.
As a way to cope, when Stacie Ruth was fifteen, she wrote her first book, Still Holding Hands. It details the gripping story of her grandparents battle against Alzheimers disease. Written in a novel format, Still Holding Hands candidly takes readers into the lives of Stacie Ruths grandparents, Ray and Hilda Beamer. Readers get to know Ray and Hilda starting from their childhood, romance, family lives and ultimately, Alzheimers disease. Remarkably, a collection of leaders and celebrities endorsed and read Still Holding Hands offering Stacie Ruth amazing support to promote the cause of finding a cure for Alzheimers disease.
After the book was published, Stacie Ruth became a popular speaker about Alzheimers disease, caregiving, and reaching out to families. Alzheimers Associations quickly made demands to have keynote at conferences.
Recently, Stacie's first album (Heavenly) was released natiowide. One of the songs she recorded is about second childhood children - Alzheimer's victims. "Second Childhood Children" - the very title of the song - premiered by Stacie Ruth, elicits emotions: the pain of Alzheimer's patients experiencing their "second childhood" and the overpowering love of God that allows us to hope in seemingly hopeless situations. Stacie Ruth has spoken about Alzheimers with leaders such as various U.S. Senators from both political parties. She has appeared in major media and has toured the country speaking and singing. Now, Stacie Ruth continues her fight for the cause. She wont stop working until a cure is found. Join Stacie Ruth and the cause to find victory over Alzheimers disease!
Also visit Stacie Ruth's mission at!